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G2 paths

Defined by G2

  • admin/block/configure/g2/<delta> : the settings for the G2 blocks
  • admin/help/g2 : the description of the G2 module
  • admin/settings/g2 : the global settings page for G2
  • g2 : a page containing an intro to the local G2 implementation (node), along with the alphabar. This path can be modified in the site settings for g2
  • g2/autocomplete/<start> : the AJAX field setter by start for entries
  • g2/entries/<entry> : the page of entries matching <entry> (can contain slashes)
  • g2/initial/<urlencoded initial segment> : the page of entries starting by “initial segment” (starting substring). Individual first pages of definitions by initial
  • g2/wotd/feed : RSS feed for word of the day
  • node/add/g2_entry : create a new entry
  • node/add/g2_entry/someentry : create a new entry for “someentry”

Used by g2 but not defined by it

  • node/<nid> : the page for an individual G2 entry
  • taxonomy/term/<tid>[/0/feed] : the page or RSS feed for the entries in G2 (and elsewhere) matching a taxonomy term


Most settings are located in the feature blocks, but G2 also has a few global settings.

  • Custom main page. Is used for the glossary home page, replaced by an alphabar if empty. Starting with the D5 version, it can be set in either of two ways:
    • by providing the nid of an existing node, typically an unpublished story node. This is the default method in the 4.7 branch, and the simplest way to customize the module for beginners
    • by providing the name of a node-generating function (starting with the D5 branch). This function must return a “node” object, which can contain:
      • a title for the page. If missing, G2 will use its own default title
      • a body for the page. If missing, G2 will replace it by an alphabar
      • a nid, which should be zero
    • in both cases, starting with the D5 branch, the validity of the parameter is tested: the nid or function must exist
  • Toggle activation of XML-RPC services
  • Toggle search hinting
  • Remoting: allow glossary links to a remote glossary instead of a locally maintained one
  • Homonyms processing:
    • Custom disambiguation node, typically unpublished.
    • Auto-jump to definition on single entry match (skip disambiguation page)

The settings for the WOTD RSS feed are grouped with the settings for the WOTD block.

The “generator function” mechanism introduced in D5 makes main page maintenance easier for sites using version tracking software : the page can be generated in the general site-specific module, where it can be backed up and versioned just like any other source code.



  • function g2.alphabar() array
    • parameters:
      • none
    • return:
      • array
        • struct
          • string initial
          • string link to a page of entries by initial (g2/initial/<urlencoded initial>)


  • function g2.latest(int n) array
    • parameters
      • int n : the maximum number of values returned by the function. This number will be site-limited by the value defined for the latest block, to prevent API abuse
    • return:
      • array
        • struct
          • string entry
          • int nid


  • function g2.top(int n) array
    • parameters
      • int n : the maximum number of values returned by the function. This number will be site-limited by the value defined for the top block, to prevent API abuse
    • return:
      • array
        • struct
          • string entry
          • int nid


  • function g2.random () struct
    • parameters
      • none
    • return:
      • struct
        • string entry
        • int nid
        • string teaser


  • function g2.wotd () struct
    • parameters
      • none
    • return:
      • struct
        • string entry
        • int nid
        • string teaser


  • function g2.stats ($tid = 0, $initial = NULL) array
    • parameters
      • int $tid : term to match for counted entries
      • string $initial : initial segment to match for counted entries
    • return
      • [0] : the number of matching unpublished entries
      • [1] : the number of matching published entries

Blocks defined by G2


  • G2 Alphabar : displays the initial selector pointing to glossary pages
  • G2 Latest 'n' : displays list of n most recently updated terms
  • G2 Random word : displays term, teaser, and link to definition
  • G2 Top 'n' : displays list of n most requested terms
  • G2 Word of the day

Blocks configuration

  • G2 Alphabar
    • list of initials to be included in alphabar. Defaults to ascii lowercase letters and arabic numerals.
    • maximum length of each row in the alphabar
  • G2 Latest 'n'
    • number of elements in latest (default 10)
  • G2 Random
    • store latest random entry to avoid duplicates, or don't store it for reduced DB load
    • display taxonomy links for the current entry
  • G2 Top 'n'
    • number of elements in top (default 10)
  • G2 WOTD
    • the word of the day
    • number of characters from the definition body displayed in the block.
    • auto-change the word of the day
    • display taxonomy links for the current entry
    • RSS feed section
      • display link to RSS feed in the block
      • channel title. Can be set separately from the block title, but reverts to it if nulled
      • channel description. Can include %site to dynamically display the site base url. Default value uses this feature.

For all G2 blocks, it is also possible to change both the title and name of the block.

g2/featureset.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/23 17:23 by