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Tools usable with the OSInet FSM

Generating FSM files

Since the FSM (>= 1.3) now uses external schema files, it seems only logical to generate these from a visual editor instead of hand-typing them. And with OOo being the de facto standard for office work, OOo Draw seems a logical choice. In addition, while I'd gladly have used Dia or Inkscape as a drawing tools, both are significantly less easy to use for this type of diagramming (IMHO).

Now, how can one go about it ? Simply enough, with OpenDocument being an open standard, its layour is rather obvious. A FSM diagram source only needs two elements (rect: rectangles, and connector: transitions), so we can ignore all other elements

fsm/tools.1178196892.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/23 17:23 (external edit)