Table of Contents



First things first:




Looking further:


Recurring issue

As of 4.7.x/7.x, Drupal does not implement a standard search logging API. The net result is that code like zeitgeist.module, which needs to record data from core, must obtain them from undocumented behaviours.

At some point, drupal core will probably evolve to include such a logging mechanism, and zeitgeist will then be able to use it. Should the module become popular, it is also conceivable that search.module add a recording hook, independent of other recording needs. Things have evolved for the better in Drupal 7, where a single form implementation is used for all search forms, allowing simpler and more generic logging from the form submit handler.

Until this happens, it could be possible to use runki_function_rename to:

  1. rename drupal's do_search function to something like zeitgeist_do_search,
  2. implement a local do_search() function in zeitgeist.module. At this point calls by other modules should go to the new function instead of the standard version
  3. within this local do_search,
    1. perform the _zeitgeist_store_search
    2. invoke the standard do_search, now called zeitgeist_do_search
    3. return the results obtained from the standard do_search from our custom do_search
