Drupyx is the code name for the DRUpal for PYthon eXperiment.
In terms of features, it aims at identifying the key defining points of the Drupal Developer eXperience (DX) and implementing a CMS/Framework with similar - though not identical - DX on top of Python.
Unlike the earlier Drupy efforts by Brendon Crawford, the goal is *not* to build a line-for-line port by using PHP-to-Python port of Drupal (Drupy 1), or even a close remake on top of Django (Drupy 2). Even if the project ever reaches actual usability for actual web site projects, it will not offer an API identical to Drupal, which would be a rather pointless endeavour anyway, as has already been explained elsewhere.
The goals for Drupyx are different:
Given the goals of Drupyx, one can probably say that the deliverables due to appear fastest are likely to be Drupal patches questioning the fundamentals of Drupal during the Drupal 8 development cycle. Next in line is probably even improved course material for our Drupal training offerings.
But when it come to actual code, it should be online in a public repository soon (still hesitating between the public OSInet repo and various alternatives like Github, Gitorious, Launchpad…), and the project will gladly accept participation, especially by volunteers with similar “learning” goals, so we can grow our knowledge together. Python experts need not apply: they would likely be annoyed by beginner bugs and unpythonic choices: after all, it is a Drupal DX project, not one more perfect Python web framework. There already is at least one of these.
Since this is a learning project, testing is being used. See the Drupyx implementation and test coverage page.
Obviously, everything contributed to this project will be new code published under an Open Source Free software license, likely the GPL 3.
We thought you'd never ask For a start, you can just use the contact form on my blog: http://blog.riff.org/contact
Or you can use the #drupyx channel on Freenode.