====== Work notes on PHP-GTK ======
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===== Auto-creating variables from Glade files =====
From a suggestion by C. Weiske on irc://irc.freenode.net/php-gtk :
* first idea: use the DOM of the Glade file and a XPath selection on nodes to iterate on the Glade model and create variables from the results
* better idea: use __get
in a class to create the members as needed, like $this->glade->get_widget_from_id($widgetname)
* __get is defined at http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.overloading.php
====== Background work ======
* For programs needing work being done behind the scenes, without freezing the UI, using an idle-directe finite state machine can be done with the [[fsm:fsm|OSInet FSM]]
====== Ideas to implement ======
* structured logging
* log_source/log_sink interfaces
* switchable backends: file, console, syslog, gtk label...
* chrono class:
* start
* stop
* lap (time)
* implements log_source