====== Go internals unofficial wiki ====== This wiki section is a copy of the defunct original "Go internals" unofficial wiki. It has been copied here to be easier to consume/edit/update than on archive.org. {{indexmenu>:go/internals:#1|js nons tsort skipfile+/start/}} ====== About ======= This is a technical [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki|wiki]] about various ''internals'' of [[http://golang.org|Google Go programming language]] implementation, especially of: * its accompanying suite of compilers, * libraries, * and runtime code added to each program. This site is **not** about how to //use// Go, thus not meant to contain among others: basic Go tutorials, Go (libraries) usage patterns, Go (and anti-Go) evangelism, ... Please note, that the wiki is **unofficial** and **community driven**, may be incomplete, inconsistent, outdated, poorly organized or whatever else -- enter on your own risk. If you're still interested -- then welcome :) and please share what you know with other brave souls! If you have some notes you'd like to donate, but they were unformatted, please don't hesitate to put them in a new subpage of the [[go/internals/notes|"Notes"]] page (like in: [[go/internals/notes_by_mc|"Notes/by MC"]]). ,,License chosen for contents is [[http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/|CC BY-SA]].,, ===== Important Pages ===== * [[go/internals/all_pages|Table of Contents]] * [[go/internals/m|M]], [[go/internals/g|G]], [[go/internals/thread-local_storage|Thread-local storage]], [[go/internals/get_tls|get tls]], [[go/internals/fs|FS]] * [[go/internals/split_stacks|split stacks]], [[go/internals/textflag|textflag]] * [[go/internals/x86_calling_conventions|x86 calling conventions]], [[go/internals/stdcall|stdcall]], [[go/internals/x86_calling_conventions|cdecl]] ===== See also ===== * [[http://code.google.com/p/try-catch-finally/wiki/GoInternals|GoInternals on try-catch-finally site]] -- "Collection of various bits about Go Internals". * [[go/internals/notes_by_mc|Notes, by MC]] * [[http://golang.org/doc/community.html|Go developers blogs]] * [[go/internals/thirdparty_articles|Thirdparty articles]] -- collection of links to interesting stuff on various blogs etc. over the 'net.