* On drupal.org and related sites: the official information source * http://drupal.org/project/ecommerce EC main page * http://drupal.org/handbook/modules/ecommerce EC main handbook page * http://groups.drupal.org/e-commerce Drupal EC SIG. Very focused, targeted to developers, organized by topic. * irc://irc.freenode.net/drupal-ecommerce * On the Audean Wiki: developer-level docs * [[ec:paths|E-commerce paths]] * [[ec:themes|Themeable functions in E-Commerce]] * Resources from the current project maintainer * http://ecommerce.heydon.com.au/api Developer reference : an equivalent of api.drupal.org for EC * http://ecommerce.heydon.com.au/node/2 Maintainer list for various EC portions * http://lists.heydon.com.au/listinfo.cgi/ecommerce-heydon.com.au EC mailing list. * http://www.heydon.com.au/taxonomy/term/29 Blog section about EC * Other sites: * [[http://www.drupalecommerce.com/|Drupal E-commerce]] Lots of selected resources for site builders, but not really focused on EC. * http://www.drupalecommerce.com/drupal_ecommerce EC-specific entry point * http://blog.riff.org/tags/e_commerce Drupal EC section on the Riff Blog * Isolated resources: * http://v2v.cc/node/96 Video from Matt Westgate (EC creator and first maintainer) introducing EC for 4.6 (OGG Theora codec) * http://osddp.org/node/287 E-commerce service subscription and editing with Drupal. The last comment contains the final PDF version of this HOWTO describing how to set up a service sale on 4.6.