====== Munin API ====== OSInet Munin provider is an alternative to the leightweight [[http://drupal.org/project/munin|Munin monitoring project]]. As such, it comes with: * A more extensive API * More built-in counters for * core: * nodes pub/unpub * comments pub/unpub * users active/blocked * sessions anon/auth * extensions: APC caching, APC uptime * Munin-monitoring: ability to report on the munin monitoring system activity at produce alerts when probing stops * Code available at http://code.osinet.fr/fgm/drupal_module__munin_api ===== Feature changes ===== * split APC caching: * memory use: allocated / in use * entries: split or not ? * hit / miss / insertions * entries: cached / deleted * drush-based plugin: plugin is currently web-based, but this is only really necessary for drupal APC * providers should be in an include file * API implementation could exist both as a module hook implementation and a drush plugin * generate the "ln -s" series of commands needed to activate plugins ===== New plugin ideas ===== * Forum monitoring: * # fora created * topics per forum * contributors per forum * Content views percentile graph (long tail monitoring) * RSS feed monitoring * subscribers per feed anon/logged * Simplenews monitoring * subscriber count per newsletter ===== Other extension ideas ===== * Mobile monitoring (Android / iPhone). Munin templates don't cut it on a phone. * Actual access control for probes (currently just placeholders), in addition to the UI access control ===== Documentation ==== There is actually a book on the topic of Munin plugin development: ===== Third-party ideas ===== * [[http://www.chapterthree.com/blog/josh_koenig/enterprise_drupal_needs_monitoring|Josh Koenig]]: "but what I really care about is * my page execution time, * my per-bootstrap memory consumption, * my most-frequently run (or longest running) queries" * Moshe Weitzmann (same page) "We need * cache hit rate from one place, * slow queries from another, * watchdog from another" * Guy Saban: * "Page execution time has been on my radar for a while" * http://content.screencast.com/users/JuanPeralta/folders/Snagit/media/67a47691-fd6b-40ec-9921-4c5c20b63f8a/09.18.2010-04.39.30.png * [[http://dgtlmoon.com/munin-graph-drupal-response-time|dgtlmoon: graph your Drupal response times for user logins]] ===== Existing products / services ===== * [[http://www.droptor.com/|Droptor]] * [[http://newrelic.com/|New Relic RPM]] * [[http://www.serverdensity.com/|ServerDensity]] * [[http://exchange.nagios.org/directory/Addons/Frontends-(GUIs-and-CLIs)/Web-Interfaces/Nagios-Looking-Glass/details|Nagios Looking Glass]]