====== Drupal 8: Plugin notes ====== Notes from yched's speech at the Paris core code spring 2012/04/28-29. Use with caution after 2012/05, fast moving code: * A "Plugin Type" is a class. * The list of existing plugins of a plugin type is enumerated using a Discovery class * PluginTypeFactory implements FactoryInterface * PluginTypeDiscovery implements DiscoveryInterface * PluginTypeMapper implements MapperInterface * DiscoveryInterface::getDefinition($plugin_id = 'textarea') * DiscoveryInterface::getDefinitions() * ?::createPluginInstance() * ?::getPluginInstance(array $options = array()) <- think service locator * $plugin->set(....) Code under development in EclipseGC's sandbox at http://drupal.org/node/1441840 branch: plugins-next